: Gallery

Moving Storybooks, by Miss Lawden

27.3.24 DT Week, by Miss Roberts

DT Week in Year 2!, by Mrs Fesmer

Year 5 DT week, by Miss Edwards

DT Week, by Mr Bevan

Moving Storybooks, by Mrs Griffin

History presentation, by Miss Lawden

R2’s Sunflowers, by Mrs Trasler

Easter Concert, by Mr Bevan

1L measuring, by Mrs Cook

1G measuring, by Mrs Cook

Class 4J - Direct Speech, by Mrs Jones

Class 4J - No Outsiders, by Mrs Jones

Measuring with Rulers, by Mr Jenkins

13.3.24 Art - Jane Roxburgh, by Miss Roberts

Light and Shadow, by Miss Zwanepoel

Sunflower Seed planting, by Miss Zwanepoel

World Book Day, by Miss Zwanepoel

Light and Shadow, by Miss Zwanepoel

RE Islam, by Miss Zwanepoel

Manchester Airport Visit, by Miss Lawden

2F Still life painting, by Mrs Cook

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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