1L 2023 - 2024

Miss Lawden

Welcome to 1L's Class Page!

We've got a very exciting term ahead with lots of wonderful learning and visits....including our trip to Manchester Airport. My name is Miss Lawden and I am the 1L Class Teacher. We also have the wonderful Mrs Turner to help us with our learning.   We've got lots to look forward to this term.

Spring 2

As mathematicians, we will be learning all about numbers to 50, as well measuring length, height, weight and mass.  Our writing this half term will be based around the brilliant book ‘Where The Wild Things Are' written by Maurice Sendak.  As readers, we will enjoy and discuss a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  In History we will be learning about Transport and Travel and the children’s learning will be supported by our school trip to Manchester Airport. As Scientists, we will learn about animals. In Personal Development, we will learning about behaviour and safety. 

Take a look at our Curriculum Overview linked below, to find out more.

Please keep checking the school's website and gallery posts, to keep up to date on everything that we have been up to.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Miss Lawden

Files to Download

1L: News items

Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins

Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins

Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins

1L: Gallery items

Tie Dye, by Mrs Griffin

Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins

Tree Hunt, by Mrs Griffin

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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