
The way children dress when they come to school is important both to the individual child and to the collective atmosphere of school. Children should be appropriately dressed for the job they are doing, i.e. sports clothes for P.E., comfortable tidy clothes for academic work and some form of overall or old shirt for artwork.

Children who dress correctly are psychologically emphasising the importance of what they are doing by treating the activity in which they are engaged with respect. Coming to school is a serious business and there should be some demarcation between work and leisure recognisable by style of dress.   When children come to school in uniform they (and their families) are in fact paying the school a great compliment.

By wearing school uniform with pride they are helping to contribute to the ethos of the school by this outward show of support.

PLEASE make sure that all articles of school clothing are be named clearly to enable them to be returned to the owner when mislaid.

We recommend using Attach a Tag: http://www.attachatag.com/


School Uniform can via the main school office. 

Files to Download

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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